Treatments by Dr Anita Ghadge
About Dr Anita Ghadge
Dr Anita Ghadge has a passion for skin health
Dr Anita Ghadge is our skin care dermatologist doctor, with over 9 years in the medical field and a portfolio of several hundred patients.
Dr Ghadge has a passion for treating skin conditions and optimising skin health.
She has an interest in all common skin conditions, and is very experienced in treating pigmentation and acne.
Her consultations at present are free of charge, and she can help assist you in finding the right products for you to use at home, or the best in clinic skin treatment for you to achieve your overall skin goal.
Patient Reviews
You can trust our state-of-the-art cosmetic clinic for outstanding, natural results of the highest standard.
Name: Michelle
Instagram: @michellehawksworth
“Hi lovely, just wanted to let you know that since coming to see Dr Ghadge my skin has never looked so good.
On a good day, I would have 1-2 spots on my chin, on a bad day I’d have small rough dots on my forehead and then several big, angry and painful ones on my chin. Since being prescribed Duac they have totally cleared up, with no side effects. The difference it’s made to my confidence cannot even be put into words. I’ve struggled with my skin since my teens and the prescribed ** is the only thing that’s ever worked. Thank you a million times over, this has honestly been life changing”
Name: Holly
Instagram: @hozzleh
“Hi! I just wanted to say a massive thank you for letting me come in to trial the new skin treatments. My skin is feeling super soft and looks more fresh after just one exfoliation. The dr was lovely and listened to my worries about my sensitive skin too. Thank you xxxx”